The deadline to submit an application for partial scholarship is 11:59 p.m. CST on April 20, 2025. Applicants will be notified of acceptance or denial no later than April 30, 2025.
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please email, or call at 713-331-9342.

The deadline to submit an application for partial scholarship is 11:59 p.m. CST on April 20, 2025. Applicants will be notified of acceptance or denial no later than April 30, 2025.
If you have any questions regarding the application process, please email, or call at 713-331-9342.


All poems submitted will be ekphrastic poems.  That is, they are literary responses to the art presented in the contest guidelines below.
Additional Definitions
Technical proficiency: the poet employs devices of sound and language, form and image, in fresh and powerful ways.
Creativity: the poem reveals a unique, unexpected approach. The poem speaks to the power of the visual image and taps into the eternal perspective of a spiritual journey towards the Trinitarian God.
The search for Truth: the poet grapples with some aspect/s of the human condition within the story of Salvation history that connects us all.
First place prize: $250
Second place: $200
Third place: $150
The three prize-winning poems will be published on the Catholic Literary Arts website. The three winning poets will be awarded a year’s membership to Catholic Literary Arts.
All poems must be original, unpublished in print, on the web, or in limited edition books.
Simultaneous submissions are not allowed.
Submissions will be primarily in the English language.
International submissions are allowed if Paypal will process the payment.
Line maximum per poem: 48 lines (does not include title or stanza breaks)
Format: all poems must be in 12 pt. font in a typeface of Times New Roman, Arial, or other easy to read typeface. We regret that we're unable to accept handwritten pages.
Form: all forms and free verse are accepted.
Entry Fee: $25 for up to three poems. Poets are limited to a single entry of up to three poems.
Entry is open to poets aged 16 or older on the date of submission.
All submissions are handled through Submittable
All judging is blind judging. The name of the poet must not appear on the poem itself or in the file name when submitted. The Submittable system will direct each poet to completion of a form that stores the poet's identifying information and other pertinent information related to the entry.

Catholic Literary Arts